Team Building Activities to Build Trust Amongst Coworkers?

Running a business is like a machine, different systems of the machine must work together for a function or purpose to be carried out. The different systems making up the machine are your coworkers and if they aren’t working together or if one system is off then it can create complete chaos. Which is why team building activities can be a great tool for your employees to gain trust, respect, and open the channels for clear communication.

Team building activities can be tricky though, if utilized correctly they can be instrumental to the growth of trust amongst your coworkers. However, on the other hand, if the wrong activity is sought out it can be a waste of both time and money. It’s important to figure out which team-building activities will serve your business and employees best. Taking a collaborative approach such as having each coworker vote on an activity they want to partake in or having everyone come up with ideas, is a good way to start.


Giving back to the community amongst your coworkers is an excellent way to build trust. When everyone is working towards a common goal, making a difference you will start to see you might have more shared values than you thought. Volunteering brings out the best in people and maybe a coworker who you never see eye to eye, you’ll start seeing them in a different light. Additionally, by volunteering each person who participates is practicing empathy, which is a key element in allowing trust to grow. Not only does a sense of trust for one another start to expand but no one can argue that volunteering is a pointless activity.

Organize a Scavenger Hunt
Split everyone into small groups and try not to create groups based on friend groups. Instead put coworkers together who have different roles in the company or have not been able to interact together as much. By doing this it allows everyone a chance to meet and build stronger relationships with one another.
Scavenger hunts force teams to put their brains together and trust in each other’s skills. Plus, scavenger hunts can include a diverse number of challenges where, to win, you must be able to communicate clearly and in a respectful manner. Lastly, another added benefit is everyone likes a little friendly competition, and it can make it much more exciting for those involved.
Arrange a Lunch-and-Learn
Lunch-and-learns are immensely valuable because it provides the opportunity for coworkers to learn something novel. When choosing a speaker or topic to learn, try to pick something that will offer potential insight, development, and partnership between coworkers. Adding a free lunch into the equation will get everyone even more hyped, because who doesn’t love a free meal? Finally, lunch-and-learns have a great reputation as a team-building activity because coworkers are more relaxed and positive in a setting that is casual, engaging, and stimulating.
Let’s Build Trust
Trust among coworkers has proved to decrease turnover rates and create a healthy workspace. If you believe trust is a lacking component within your business then get in touch with me, Raghu Chittimalla, today. I have years of expertise underneath my belt and can guide your unique business. I have seen firsthand the astonishing effects of trust and how it produces diversity, harmony, and loyalty within the company. By partnering with me, you can see the same results.  
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