Feedback – is a vital part of a leader’s skill and communication ability. Like other areas, it is of prime importance in a workplace scenario as it helps create a clear picture of what is expected from each and thus increases transparency. It is a robust tool when used effectively, can boost the employees’ morale, positively influence their thinking, and strengthen communication. Not just giving feedback, receiving it is also essential for the effective sharing of information within a team or a department. Let’s now take a closer look at its importance and the value it can create.

How should feedback be given?

There is plenty of information via business books, blogs, articles, and many more that are full of advice on how to give feedback to individuals, but how can you do the same for an entire team? What is an appropriate way to deliver feedback to a group of people working together? Feedback is not about instructions or scolding; instead, it involves providing information that will benefit the receiver and enable them to develop their strengths to get over any hurdles. In short, it is all about giving necessary suggestions that are required to reach the desired goal. A team can only function well and to its optimum, if they hold the same mindset and have a clear view of their goals and norms. Also, feedback must be two ways – giving and receiving. When a leader doles out input and performs or executes a task based on their feedback, the team must follow up with the leader on the said feedback with their observations. If you, as a leader, are the only ones doing all the praising, critiquing, and so on, the group dynamics are bound to suffer. This is because you can’t be possibly observing everything that’s going on.

Why is it important?

So, what exactly makes it so important? Let’s see how it plays a significant role in influencing trust, accountability, and communication within a team or group:

Create better relationships: We are working with humans, humans who have emotions. Not to say that emotions must influence a workplace decision, but there is no harm in ensuring that you, as a leader, protect their interests and feelings a little. Honest and sincere feedback goes a long way in building stronger bonds, even if it involves criticism. But when it is said in the right way, it can make all the difference and help them evolve.

Keep everyone on track: When done regularly and involves a two-way process, i.e., giving and receiving, it will be highly beneficial for all. Everyone is on the same page and knows where they stand in terms of their work completion, how they are faring, and so on.

Steer clear of mistakes: A transparent and honest communication flow with weed out errors, corrections, and bring down the scope of miscommunication to the minimum.

Achieve goals quicker: Direct benefits of feedback involve a well-trained and in-sync team that delivers more, bringing in business growth by increased sales/output, completing work on time, creating a positive image or interaction with the clients, and thus positively influencing the company’s market stand and so on.
Promoting feedback should be a significant part of your team. You, as a leader, must also encourage the other members of your team to share feedback and reviews amongst each other to help them better their work. Once your team is used to this process, they will become open-minded, allowing you to create a feedback-friendly environment and make your job easier!

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